Franchise Budget Considerations

budget franchise

When considering a Franchise one of the areas not always fully appreciated is your own personal franchise budget in the early stages. There are probably a few scenarios that relate to your circumstances for looking at a Franchise including… Currently employed and receive a regular salary. Taken redundancy so have a lump sum of money, …

Serve Like Dinner Depends On It!

customer service

I’m not sure if it’s the fall out of the last few years of economic tightness or whether we as a society are forgetting how to serve. My recent experiences as a customer in shops, on the telephone and in emails have left me quite shocked at the lack of customer service provided. At one …

What You Should Do Every 90 Days


As I write this in the month of August I feel it appropriate to raise the point of taking time out from your business. Here’s some useful business advice. Surprisingly most business owners don’t take enough regular holidays (notice the plural). And this goes beyond the traditional annual 2 weeks in the sun, after all …

Marketing Strategies for Franchise Success

Marketing Strategies for Franchise Success If you’ve ever advertised in a magazine or printed publication then you’ll know how far ahead they plan. Most consumer magazines come out at least a month ahead of themselves and many start planning for marketing of their Christmas bumper editions whilst everyone else is enjoying the summer! And big …

Effectively Handling Objections

Objections are perhaps one of the most feared points during the Franchise process. A feeling not far off the “marmite effect” – you either love or hate objections! The problem is not with the objection itself but with the perception of it. They can sometimes be mistaken as a positive signal, creating an awkward misunderstanding that …

Does Your Franchise Pack Grab Attention?

A Franchise pack must connect very quickly to encourage your potential Franchisees to keep reading yours instead of jumping to another opportunity. Some essentials you’ll want to include in your pack are: Welcome page: Use this as an opportunity to thank people for requesting your pack, mention a few pointers such as easy, simple, affordable, …

Working with a Franchise Family Survival Guide

Traditional franchise family businesses were often handed down from generation to generation but more commonly now families choose to work together in a Franchise. This may be something they decide to jointly do together as a partnership or one or more members work in a supporting capacity such as administration, finance or customer relationship management …

Sales Mistakes to Avoid

Sales mistakes affect conversion rates and cost you business. People buy you first and so first impressions are the most important. It sounds a bit clichéd and one that is so easy to ignore. One of the worst mistakes of all time is to practice your sales techniques on your prospects or customers!! Believe me, …

How to Boost Your Elevator Speech

An elevator speech (also known as lift speech or 2- minute pitch) is a short summary used to simply define a product, service, or business and its value proposition. The name describes the ability to deliver the summary in the time of a lift or elevator ride (around 30-120 seconds). When perfected, your elevator speech …

5 Steps to a Successful Business Card

business cards

Promoting your business is a constant process which means you must grab every opportunity to market, network and communicate with potential clients. Some may view the business card as redundant with all the advancements in social media, technology and virtual networking, but it can still act as a very powerful and long term marketing strategy …

The Dash of Your Life

choosing a franchise

Tips for choosing a franchise If you’ve ever procrastinated about taking action on the things you know will ultimately help you, then perhaps this might be the push you need. We all perceive things differently but recently I overheard a conversation about the small line between the birth and death date on a headstone and …

The Magic’s In The System

Most people choose franchises over starting their own business from scratch because they want a structured proven system to follow. Franchises with streamlined systems have a greater potential for success long term and one you’ll want to be a part of. It’s not always possible to assess the effectiveness of how well the business runs even …