Despite all this – companies still do not pay on time – that’s why CPA goes from strength to strength.

Slow payers place profits in peril. Now is the time for action!

In 1997, the government supported by leading business organisations launched the Better Payment Practice Campaign. The objective was to help smaller businesses to be paid on time.

The following year, the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest Act) became law. This was followed by the E.U.’s Late Payment of Commercial Debts Regulations 2013. Despite the substantial penalties that may be imposed on late paying commercial debtors by creditors who pursue the matter in court, the problem is still as bad as ever.
Despite the legislation, around half of invoices owed to small firms become overdue. Last August, a poll of 1,000 business owners revealed that a quarter of them could have “gone under” because of their unpaid invoices!

The Credit Protection Association plc was established in 1914. It provides the highly effective credit management system to companies to help them be paid quicker. Over the years, thousands of clients have recovered hundreds of millions of pounds from late payers. Just as importantly, maximum goodwill is retained.

The majority of U.K. businesses offer credit facilities to their business customers, so the potential virtually limitless!

We know how to motivate and coach people from most backgrounds if they have the drive and determination to succeed.
Our packaged credit management solutions are sold at Managing Director or Senior Partner level. If you are effective at this level and are looking for an excellent income whilst building a substantial asset for yourself, this opportunity could be for you!
Comprehensive sales and product training is provided, as is full nationwide support. Most business is achieved within standard office hours, Monday to Friday.

Time to act!

To Find Out More About This Exciting Franchise Opportunity Click Here

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