Exciting New Magic Mirror Franchise Launches

The Best Magic Mirrors Franchise has been created to keep up with the demand for our premium, customer focused Photobooth experience.

Currently on target to keep growing year on year, with over 170+ bookings we now need to invest in more staff and equipment if we are to keep up with demand. However, after much deliberation we have recognised that our core values of having a fun business that provides an enjoyable lifestyle and income are best achieved through a franchise operation.

There are approximately *247,000 UK weddings a year and the average cost of a wedding in the UK has now hit *£30,000. Consequently, you can be confident there’s lots more business available for our lucky Franchisees to get their hands on.

The Franchise model is undoubtedly the best way forward to grow the business, enabling us to maintain our strong core values and high levels of customer service. It means we can pass on not just leads and enquiries, but also our expertise and experience so that you can enjoy being part of this lucrative industry and retain a great work life balance at the same time.

Our immediate goal is to build the most successful Magic Mirror Photobooth Franchise in the UK. We know we can achieve this as we continuously strive to get better and improve all aspects of the business.

We are confident we have built an offer that is very difficult for others to match, supported by our passion to continue being the best at what we do.

If you’d like to find out more about how you can open and run your own Magic Miror Photobooth franchise, Click Here to make an enquiry.

Nathan Bissitt :