What kinds of franchises can you run from home?

What kinds of franchises can you run from home?

In a world where home run franchises are becoming increasingly popular, more and more people worldwide are leaving their jobs behind and starting their own franchise. With a multitude of benefits up for grabs by starting a home-run franchise, such as the opportunity to become your boss, flexible hours, and lesser funding investments, you’ll be left wondering why you didn’t do it sooner! For those of you who are new to this sector, you may well be wondering what kind of franchises there are available right now that you can run from home. At Franchise UK, this is something we have a lot of expertise in. Our team have produced this guide on the different types of home based franchises. You can browse all home based franchises on our franchise directory, but here are just some of the types of franchises which you may not have thought could be run from home!

What kinds of franchises can you run from home?

Finance based franchises:

One of the easiest franchises to run from home are finance orientated. For many of you who come from a financial, or even business-minded background, this could be the perfect opportunity to make the move into working from home through a franchise. It would involve some of the same skills – so it is not a complete jump into the unknown – with the added benefits both of a franchise, and of working from home. However, for those of you not making this transition, financed based franchises should come with a warning label. You must be proficient in your knowledge of the world of finance. You cannot carry out this kind of home run franchise if you are not able to dispense sound financial advice. Although, many franchisers do offer tailored courses and one to one support before you start up on your own.

Finance as a term carries inside of it many different kinds of opportunities for home run franchises. For example, you could become part of a more business orientated franchise and help companies track their spending, and reduce costs. If this does not float your boat, you could invest in an investment style franchise and help individuals or companies find their feet on the stock market. These are just two suggestions that barely scratch the surface of the gulf covered by the term ‘finance-based franchises’. Browse finance franchises.

Educational tutoring franchises:

Are you eager to dip your toe into the pool of teaching? If the answer to this question is yes, then a home-based franchise based on educational tutoring may be the best fit for you.

The industry offers a variety that traditional, in-school teaching does not. You can take control of the types of students you wish to work with, whether this be with secondary school pupils, or those studying at A-Level, University levels – or all three. Whilst still able to make a positive impact on a student’s work, there are many more benefits to be achieved from at home tutoring. You can take on as many or as few students as you wish and can provide them with a hand-tailored experience that the curriculum simply does not provide.

This type of franchise, and the fact that it is a home run franchise, means that you can work more flexible hours. This means that it may make a great fit for those who are parents, as it means that you can operate around your own child’s schedule. This comes especially as most of the students that you take on of a weekday would prefer evening hours. Browse Education Franchises.

Graphic design franchises:

Graphic design is a great example of the type of creative business that can be run from home. With the right software right there at your fingertips, you are more than ready to create something magical.

However, it can prove quite a hard industry to crack into, which is where a franchise can step in. Whilst allowing you the opportunity – and all the added benefits – of working at home, there are also more practical benefits of becoming a franchisee. For example, most franchisers will allow you the ability to tap into their wealth of knowledge surrounding the industry. This can include handy things to know when drawing in clients, helping you build up a striking portfolio. Added in this is the advantage of taking on a name that is already commercially established, saving you the years and expense it takes to be able to build up a reputation. Browse Design and Print Franchises.

What other types of franchises can be run from home?

There are a whole host of other franchises that can be run just as effectively from home. For example, there is the lifestyle industry, the fashion industry, and the cleaning industry, etc.

For more information on the types of franchises that you can run from home, contact our expert team at Franchise UK today.

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