How can restaurant franchise businesses adapt to coronavirus?

Just one of the many ways food and restaurant franchises can adapt to COVID-19 – restaurants have recently been offering delivery options to nearby residents to keep business flowing. Beneficial for restaurants as they can run with minimal waiting staff, and beneficial for the customer as they do not have to risk their health and can be delivered at minimal cost through a range of apps such as JustEat.

Last week we talked about how to run a successful fast food franchise. Today we turn our attention to running a food franchise successfully during a pandemic such as that we are faced recently.

With the coronavirus crisis putting a halt to traditional table service in restaurant franchises across the UK, many managers and franchise owners are wondering how they can adapt in the new climate.

While restaurants will soon open again, they will need to remain socially distanced. At the same time, there’s a new emphasis on drive-thrus, delivery and digital ordering services. In this article, we take a look at how restaurant franchises can adapt.

Takeaway, delivery and drive-thrus

Restaurant franchises across the UK are adapting to a new norm of business by increasing their capacity for takeaways and deliveries. Many fast-food franchises are adapting by keeping their drive-thrus open but their dining areas closed, as they offer socially distanced takeaway services at select outlets.

This trend will likely continue well into the future, with restaurants meeting customer demand by adopting a new style of working. Restaurants might need to employ more delivery drivers or set up new ordering systems, for example.

Socially distanced tables

Restaurants that open up for table service in the near future will find they have to deal with social distancing rules still.

Tables will need to be placed at least 2 metres apart to ensure diners, drinkers and staff can stay socially distanced. There will also be a need for new table layouts in restaurants and businesses will have to get used to serving fewer people at one time.

Digital ordering apps

Restaurants will need to invest in new technology and software, which allows them to take their business into the digital age. With more takeaways and deliveries, franchises need the capacity to process those orders online, which can be achieved through digital ordering apps.

This could also be transferred to in-house dining too. Digital ordering apps can help make table service more hygienic, removing the need for physical menus and even physical payments if everything is processed through the app itself.

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