Working from Home
A person working from home whilst running a home based franchise

How to run a successful home-based franchise

While in years gone by running your business from home may have seemed like a luxury, many franchisees run highly successful businesses without leaving the house. However, staying on track and growing a lucrative business from home has its challenges. It can be tempting to work from the couch, check social media or watch TV – before you know it the day is gone. The opposite is also true for many, finding it challenging to separate their work and home lives can mean they work all day, every day.

In this article, we look at how to get your work-from-home franchise off to a great start. From maximising productivity to ensuring you take enough time off, we run through our top tips for managing a franchise from home.

Set working hours – and stick to them

One of the most significant benefits of working from home is that you can work pretty much whenever you want. However, setting working hours can help you make your way through tasks more efficiently and ensure you get everything done in your ‘working day’. Setting working hours is also hugely beneficial for your wellbeing, as you can have more of a clear separation between when you are ‘at work’ and when you are ‘at home’ even though you are physically in the same space. One of the benefits of being more productive during the day? If you get all of your work done more efficiently, you can finish for the day and enjoy your evening, without worrying about work.

Get into a good routine

Following on from the point above, having a routine can help you to feel more like you are at work. Set an alarm, get up at the same time each day, get dressed, eat breakfast. These small parts of your routine can significantly contribute to overall productivity and help you to manage stress levels.

Set up a dedicated workspace

Just because you could work from the sofa doesn’t mean you should. Depending on the nature of your home-based franchise, you may be out and about for much of the day. However, when you spend most of your time at home, you will need a dedicated workspace to work effectively. There is no need to panic if you don’t have a spare room for your office, a desk somewhere quiet works just as well. You should be able to shut out any distractions, and the space should feel like you are ‘at work’. This means no TV, children or pets (if they are going to distract you). Note that we do have a franchises for parents section that lists a range of franchises that can be worked from home if you’re a parent.

Set a schedule

Setting schedule for the day, week and month can help you to achieve more. Giving yourself clear and realistic goals can provide structure to your day and give you greater focus. Write a simple to-do list each morning, prioritising the most important task you need to accomplish that day. Try to choose three big things you want to achieve, then have smaller tasks you can do if you need a break. Small jobs might be replying to an email or making a quick call.

Take breaks

It is essential to take breaks, but it can be easy to forget when you are at home. Taking regular, scheduled breaks can actually increase the amount of work you get done. Ensuring you are rested and alert is vital to productivity, so take breaks regularly. Although you may have scheduled a break for lunch, you should try to get up and move every hour. If you were in a traditional work setting, you would likely chat to co-workers, go to meetings or get something from another part of the building. It is essential to take a few minutes every so often to reset.

Take time away from technology

In modern times, we are always online. From emails to Whatsapp groups to checking social media accounts – it can be easy to fall into the trap of being glued to your phone. While it is important to stay on top of things for your business, try to schedule in some technology-free time. Spend time outdoors or enjoy evenings with your family without your phone. Most franchises don’t need you to be available 24/7, so embrace your downtime. Come back to work feeling relaxed, refreshed and motivated to make the most of your working time.

Ready to start your home-based franchise? Browse franchise opportunities

A home-based franchise can provide excellent opportunities and financial returns, but it can also allow you to enjoy a better work-life balance. As you have learned from the tips above, there are plenty of things you can do to ensure that your work doesn’t eat into your free time and that you can work with maximum productivity at home. Ditch the commute, eat lunch at home and spend more time with your family with a home-based franchise. Browse the Franchise UK website and discover a range of home based franchise opportunities today.

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