Showing all 7 results
Homeclean Domestic Cleaning
Homeclean Domestic Cleaning
Adept Cleaning Services
Adept Cleaning Services
Sparkle And Shine
Sparkle And Shine
Time For You
Time For You
NationWide Cleaners (NWC)
NationWide Cleaners (NWC)
Maid Brigade
Maid Brigade
Why buy a window cleaning franchise?
Today we will be sharing some facts around the window cleaning industry in the UK, Which has been on a steady growth through the past years, But don't just take our words for it, Since today we will share some facts around the window cleaning industry which may surprise you.
Facts around the cleaning industry
Did you know?
- Office cleaning in Britain generates around £5.6 billion every year.
- There are more than 32,000 cleaning companies in the UK employing around 448,400 people.
- Workplace absences caused by poor cleanliness cost the UK in excess of £7.1 billion each year.
This shows the potential of the cleaning industry in the UK, But now I have shared the statistics around the whole cleaning sector in the UK, I will now share some important facts on why cleaning services are so important from window cleaning to a basic office clean.
Why cleaning services have such a high demand in the UK.
I will now share some facts simply around why there is always such a high demand in the UK for cleaning services.
Did you know?
- Due to their high volume of use, office telephones generally contain over 25,000 bacteria per square inch.
- Office desks can contain as much as 400 times more bacteria than the average toilet seat.
- The average office worker comes into contact with approximately 10 million bacteria each day.
- 15% of males and 7% of females do not wash their hands after using the toilet.
What these numbers show?
Now, Hopefully these facts have not made you worry about germs, But these statistics show why cleaning services have been on such a high demand for years in the UK, Since you cannot have people simply coming in to work and catching a new cold everyday, Because it would not be a productive working environment for your employee's.
Would be buying a cleaning franchise be right for you.
Realistically, Cleaning is very hard work did you know? The average cleaning burns off 100 calories fro just their first hour of work, Also cleaning is very team depending you have to work well in a team to run a cleaning franchise in the UK. So at the end of the day it varies, But the only advice we can give on this subject is get which franchise you would be most passionate around.
Thanks for reading.
Hopefully this little segment of information has helped anyone looking to buy a cleaning related franchise in the UK. Also if cleaning franchises are not your cup of tea, I would highly recommend having a good look around Franchise UK, Since we provide many franchise opportunities for sale in many different industries.