Time to clean up with a Commercial Cleaning Franchise

Cleaning Franchises

Time to clean up with a Commercial Cleaning Franchise Commercial Cleaning generated a staggering £54.5bn to the economy in 2018 and created employment for 1.63m according to (ONS) data, Cleaning Franchises pick up this business as recognised brands with standardised, robust cleaning practices that perform safely & consistently on a nationwide basis. Franchises are adaptive …

Are you interested in buying a franchise on a budget? If so a low cost franchise opportunity could be the right choice for you

Low Cost Franchises

Are you interested in buying a franchise on a budget? If so a low cost franchise opportunity could be the right choice for you. Franchises come at various levels of investment. But how do you find the best value, low-cost franchise businesses? Investing in a franchise can prove lucrative if you are diligent and do …

How Essential Are Royalty Fees for a Franchisor?

How Essential Are Royalty Fees for a Franchisor

The royalty fee is an ongoing payment that a franchisee pays to the franchisor. The terms of the payment are usually determined in the contract between the two parties; however, it is common for the royalty fees to be paid weekly, monthly or quarterly and is typically a percentage of the gross sales earned by …

Roles and Duties of a Franchisee Explained

Roles and Duties of a Franchisee

What is a Franchisee? A franchisee is an individual or an organisation that works under the licence granted by a franchisor. The license agreement allows the franchisee to use the trademark, business name, and the business model after paying the franchise royalty fee. Many new franchises UK are opening every day, which indicates that people …

New event to unlock the potential of franchising in Scotland

Franchise Meeting

The franchise industry is booming in Scotland, with the British Franchise Association (bfa) predicting that the sector will be worth £1bn by 2020. On 25 April, Franchise Opportunities Scotland will open its doors for the first time at Grand Central Hotel, Glasgow, to help ambitious entrepreneurs unlock the potential of the industry. Existing business owners …

Franchise UK Launch Franchise Suppliers Directory

Franchise Suppliers Directory

Hot on the heels of the successful re-launch of the new look Franchise UK portal. Franchise UK would like to introduce the Franchise Suppliers Directory https://suppliers.franchise-uk.co.uk/ with a similar look and easy to use navigation, if you love the simplicity of Franchise UK you will love the new Franchise Suppliers Directory. The Franchise Directory has …

Become A Franchisee in 2019 [Updated]

buy a franchise 2016

Reasons To Buy A Franchise In 2019 There is no better time than to consider whether to become a franchisee during 2019. Many Franchise seekers reflect over the past year particularly over the Christmas break period and may dread returning to work at the end of the holidays, to yet another year in their job. Change …

Before You Buy a Franchise UK

Considerations before you buy a franchise in the UK Buying a franchise certainly makes a lot of sense.  When you invest in a franchise you receive the benefit of support,  brand recognition, and sometimes built-in customers will help you skip over a lot of the pitfalls that take down entrepreneurs starting from scratch. But there …