Author archives

I have been involved in small businesses for over 20 years including various HR and administration roles. I have a passion for franchising and writing. I enjoy yoga, reading and spending time with friends and family.

New Franchisee For Nationwide Cleaners Northamptonshire

nationwide cleaners franchise

New Franchisee For Nationwide Cleaners Northamptonshire Adrian, a taxi driver in Huntingdon, recently invested in a Nationwide Cleaners franchise in Northamptonshire. Having just completed his initial training, he is very keen to start building his business and is in the process of recruiting cleaners and leaflet delivery staff. Adrian’s cleaning leaflets will be going out in multiple towns within …

Comprehensive Compliance Support for your Franchisees

ForumOfBusiness724Wide franchise

To ensure that your Franchisees run their businesses without making expensive mistakes that can threaten their business and your reputation, an increasing number of Franchisors are partnering with The Forum of Private Business for help providing support for franchisees. They provide the most comprehensive legal support and insured protection to Franchisees on all areas of …

Become A Franchisee in 2019 [Updated]

buy a franchise 2016

Reasons To Buy A Franchise In 2019 There is no better time than to consider whether to become a franchisee during 2019. Many Franchise seekers reflect over the past year particularly over the Christmas break period and may dread returning to work at the end of the holidays, to yet another year in their job. Change …

Asset Management Franchise – A Review

asset management franchise

Many franchise seekers are attracted to a management style franchise opportunity. Management style franchise opportunities are an ideal choice for aspiring professional business people. Let’s have a closer look into Asset Management, a popular franchise type within the Management franchise sector to discover in some further detail, alongside some interesting financial facts about this lucrative …