Franchise Marketing Strategies

5 Franchise Marketing Strategies To Franchise Your Business

As a Franchisee you’ll probably have various proven marketing initiatives to follow but it’s a good reminder that although it’s a Franchise, it’s your business. This means over and above what else is provided for you, you must make a continuous and never-ending effort on building your business for success.

Any business relies on 2 critical elements for success – marketing and retention. Here’s how you can successfully achieve both.

1 – Low Cost Marketing Effectively marketing your business is less about the budget and more about innovation. Some of the best results come from creative ways to get noticed, including Free trial Host an open day including great offers Flyers – opt for an unusual shape and with irresistible offer Social media Fresh, informative website with capture data function Offer services for free at events, shows, fetes Special discount for employees of local businesses. Consider SMS marketing for your franchise it’s the simplest way of reaching out to a mass audience but it is highly effective.

2 – Keep In Touch Keep in front of your customers with regular personal communication to incentivise their return. Add value to them with helpful hints, tips and advice. Build trust and create long term customer loyalty with: Newsletter Follow up phone call/email Blog Vlog (short videos) Product announcements, offers Latest news, etc

3 – Referrals Significantly increase your business with referrals. When a customer expresses their thanks/ appreciation for your services use this…

“Thank you, it’s my pleasure to help you feel/look/achieve… Do you know anyone else who might appreciate …? Simply hand this (card/flyer) to anyone you know, if they book a … and mention your name you’ll receive a…”

Ensure the complimentary offer is of high perceived value to acknowledge their help.

4 – Promotional Partnerships Also known as a Joint Venture (JV) should be mutually beneficial to both parties. This is where your services could add value to synergistic businesses and their customers. Once terms and remuneration have been agreed, the effective combining of marketing and promotions should lead to a great result.

For any JV to be successful there must be alignment, fair and equal for both parties. Plus, you must discuss this option first with your Franchisor to make sure it does not breach any part of the Franchise agreement.

5 – Expert Positioning Instantly boosts your business by becoming the go-to person in your industry/expertise. It’s the perfect way to position you as a trusted authority and achieve far greater results than relying on marketing alone. You could… Write articles for industry magazines Guest blog on your subject Local radio contribution Sponsor good cause Speak at events Write a book on your subject Local TV appearances.

This is the ultimate Guidance and Direction to achieve significant growth even in a challenging economy.

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